I get this on some installers every so often. Here is the fix.
Category: Tech
Pwning Your Win2k CD
Bypass the serial check:
Then slipstream the latest service pack:
Then burn the shit:
Windows XP Winsock Fix
This fix is good for corrupted TCP/IP stacks, inability to browse, etc.
Microsoft and Internet Explorer Foolishness
News.com.com.com.com.com – Microsoft: To secure IE, upgrade to XP
Bottom line, for anyone who doesn’t want to RTFA – Microsoft’s now saying that in order to obtain the security updates for Internet Explorer that came with Windows XP Service Pack 2, you need to have Windows XP. They won’t release those updates for any other operating system. Thanks Microsoft!
All I have to say is … Spread Firefox!
Goddamn annoying IE bug
I can’t figure this out. If you use absolute-positioned DIV tags in your website, Internet Explorer 6 will not let you highlight whatever text you want. Instead it just seems to pick a huge section of text and highlights all that for you. The only fix is to throw in some javascript code that doesn’t look like it does anything to solve the problem yet still manages to do so.
Now I know why I’ve been using Firefox exclusively for almost the last year now. If a bug like that made it into the software in a nightly build it’d be stamped out that night. Nobody would stand for shit like that. I’m not some open source zealot or anything, in fact I don’t mind Windows much at all. But seriously. There’s a continual lack of support for standards set down by the W3 Consortium.
And the holes in security are outrageous – don’t believe me? Hop over to http://www.incredimail.com and try going some place in their support section … and watch as the website not-so-politely tries to install their shit on your computer without your permission. And if you had ActiveX shit enabled (which Internet Explorer does, by default), you’d have had yourself a brand new mail program. Just for clicking on a link. Internet Explorer is teh suck.
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