Category: Rants

Phone Numbers

Something that pisses me off …

People who ask you for a phone number and then stop you when you try to give it to them because they weren’t ready for it. What the hell? Try getting a pen and a piece of paper out BEFORE you ask for something you know you’re not gonna remember off the top of your head, idiot. Why the hell do you think when you go into a restaurant the waiter has their shit READY when they ask you what you want? Imagine what that would be like if you started to tell the waiter what you wanted and then the waiter said “HEY WAIT A SECOND” and fished for his/her pencil – yeah, they’d look pretty stupid. As a matter of fact, they’d look as stupid as YOU. Think about it … but make sure to have your pen ready in case you decide to jot down any of your thoughts.

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i b stupid

Had some work done on my truck yesterday, went out and did some shopping, got home at around 5pm. Being that I had to work at 10pm and I hadn’t had any sleep yet, I set the alarm and took a nap. Some time later, the alarm buzzes, and I get up. I look at the clock … and it says 10:15. First thing out of my mouth is “OH FUCK” and I shoot out of bed, grab the phone, and call in to work saying I’m gonna be an hour late. I take about the fastest shower in the history of showering, get out, get my shit together, and head out. I hop in the truck and turn it on – and I looked at the clock for a quick time-check. And what does it say?

9:21. FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So not only did I scare the piss out of myself for nothing, I had to go in to work and explain why I was actually 30 minutes early instead of 60 minutes late. :/

alarm clock > rob 2-0 ggz

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You think you’re precious, and I think you’re shit

Saw this tricked out piece of shit car in the parking lot at Target – parked diagonally across two spots. Who the hell thinks they’re THAT important? Get your piece of shit off the road.

Lesson for the day: Seven shots of Rumple Minze in the span of 2 hours is not a good idea. Or at least, I think it was seven shots, I lost count after about 5 or 6. And the bottle was almost empty. My head still hurts, I’m wiped out, and the worst part – I spent several hours steam cleaning the carpet in my room because I got up in the middle of the night and puked everywhere. Oh and I had to replace my alarm clock too, that got smothered in puke and I’m thinking something got fried. Oops.

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Last time I went into Target I was accosted not once but twice regarding signing up for one of their credit cards. As if buying a pack of soda and a box of crackers was something I just couldn’t pay cash for. That’s one of the things I hated about working there back about 2 years ago. Get people signed up for Target Visa cards. Hell I worked in the back room and ideally I’d have minimal customer contact, but I was still told to try to sign people up for that shit. (Hint: I never did.) In a country where debt consolidation is it’s own industry one would think the last thing we need is every establishment on the face of the planet offering their own credit line … sheesh. But more importantly than all that, I don’t know what’s worse – the fact that this cashier tried to get this guy to save 10 percent on his $2 box of donuts by applying for a Target Visa, or the fact that the dude almost looked like he was gonna go for it. There’s a point somewhere in your job where your responsibility as an employee cuts off and your common sense should be taking over. If you can’t find it then get the hell off my planet and stop wasting my oxygen. Please.

In other news …

Hey, let’s hear it for me being an idiot. I went through all the work of creating graphics for the date stamps that show up at the top of these posts and I ended up missing like 5 or 6 of them, didn’t even realize it until just now. Making a shitload of graphics and then forgetting how you made them isn’t so great.

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