Author: Rob


Weird dream last night.

I’m rolling through town with 2 guys from work and one of the guys from Deceptio Visus. We come across these two vending machines that have their windows spontaneously shatter for no reason. There’s glass all over the place, and a shit ton of candy for the taking. We load up and start to leave, then one of the guys from work notices that there was a security camera watching the whole thing. Next thing we know there’s about 4 guys in suits running after us. We bail out and somehow manage to get out alive, leaving the bad guys in the parking lot after we drive off. We decide then that we’re gonna go hit up this musical for some reason. Next thing I know I’m in a car with someone else entirely and we’re at this drive through right outside the performance hall. The guy who’s driving totally screws up my order, that’s all I remember about that part. Then we get to the hall and I run in to none other than Vince McMahon from the WWE. Except it looks like Bret Hart. So he and I get to talking, and after about 20 minutes he decides he needs to bail. And that’s the end of that. After that I hear this news report on the radio talking about the snack machine heist. They say the suspects are the guy from Deceptio Visus, an athletic looking hardcore rocker (doesn’t match anyone’s description), and a Tae Kwon Do expert (again, doesn’t match anyone’s description).


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Last time I went into Target I was accosted not once but twice regarding signing up for one of their credit cards. As if buying a pack of soda and a box of crackers was something I just couldn’t pay cash for. That’s one of the things I hated about working there back about 2 years ago. Get people signed up for Target Visa cards. Hell I worked in the back room and ideally I’d have minimal customer contact, but I was still told to try to sign people up for that shit. (Hint: I never did.) In a country where debt consolidation is it’s own industry one would think the last thing we need is every establishment on the face of the planet offering their own credit line … sheesh. But more importantly than all that, I don’t know what’s worse – the fact that this cashier tried to get this guy to save 10 percent on his $2 box of donuts by applying for a Target Visa, or the fact that the dude almost looked like he was gonna go for it. There’s a point somewhere in your job where your responsibility as an employee cuts off and your common sense should be taking over. If you can’t find it then get the hell off my planet and stop wasting my oxygen. Please.

In other news …

Hey, let’s hear it for me being an idiot. I went through all the work of creating graphics for the date stamps that show up at the top of these posts and I ended up missing like 5 or 6 of them, didn’t even realize it until just now. Making a shitload of graphics and then forgetting how you made them isn’t so great.

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Ok, never let it said that this website has no educational value.

I give you the only Japanese tutorial you’ll ever need – so fast it’ll make your head spin!

Go see it now!

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Huge Effing Update

I just added 200mb worth of videos. Good thing my upstream bandwidth was capped at 30kb/sec, otherwise it might have taken less than two hours. And we can’t have that, now can we?!

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I’m Fixing a Hole

I broke the Funny section weeks ago. Not deliberately, mind you, I was attempting to make a quick update using command-line FTP and telnet. I telneted into the server, then I FTPed into it – all in the same session – and tried to get the HTML file from a location and put it back in the same location. End result: a blank file. That’s what I get for trying to edit this shit while I’m at work.

Anyhow, more updates should be on the way. I hope.

I finally saw Total Recall tonight. That was one of those movies that every kid in school was raving about and talking about how cool it was way the hell back in 1990-1991 and my parents would never let me see it. (Others that come to mind are Judge Dredd, Batman Returns, and Terminator 2.) I know why now, especially after hearing the director say he had to edit the movie quite a bit to get it an R rating in one of the special features on the DVD. Good movie, though. Violence = t3h win.

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