Author: Rob

Holy shit

This is what happens when it snows for 24 hours straight:

10pm – At work, truck is clean.

Midnight – First break. Went out to clean an inch of fresh snow off the truck. Because I had the defroster going at full on the way up to work, a bunch of snow melted on contact and then froze after awhile, so I had to scrape ice off as well.

2am – Lunch break. Went back out and cleaned another inch of snow off. Laughed at some church lady who tried to get out of the parking lot and ended up working two hours past her shift because she couldn’t get out.

4am – Last break. Cleaned another inch of snow off. Snow plow people have finally gotten around to cleaning the parking lot, but that didn’t matter any because there was a foot of snow collected around all four sides of my truck.

630am – Off from work. Cleaned off another inch of snow. New brake cable that I paid $200 to have put in because the old one broke just about froze, meaning I was about three seconds from having to drive home with the emergency brake still engaged.

And other wierd shit that happened at work:

1) Scheduling people screaming for people to stay late all night, even though I go 5-8 minutes between alarms.

2) Some guy wants us to totally ignore all his burglar alarm signals because there’s a cat in his office.

3) A motion detector in a school cafeteria keeps going off because of rats. I don’t know about you, but I’d be pretty mad if I found out my kid was going to a school with a rat infestation problem in the damn cafeteria.

4) A co-worker had an alarm from a place called “Birmingham Rent-A-Cat” – what the hell would you rent a cat for? All those bastards do is eat, sleep, and claw the shit out of your furniture.

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Kick ass.

Marty Friedman is god.

In other news, Rob for ADT tech support? Could be happening soon, very soon … two steps up the ladder (and hence two pay raises) and a ridiculously easy job = teh win!

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i b stupid

Had some work done on my truck yesterday, went out and did some shopping, got home at around 5pm. Being that I had to work at 10pm and I hadn’t had any sleep yet, I set the alarm and took a nap. Some time later, the alarm buzzes, and I get up. I look at the clock … and it says 10:15. First thing out of my mouth is “OH FUCK” and I shoot out of bed, grab the phone, and call in to work saying I’m gonna be an hour late. I take about the fastest shower in the history of showering, get out, get my shit together, and head out. I hop in the truck and turn it on – and I looked at the clock for a quick time-check. And what does it say?

9:21. FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So not only did I scare the piss out of myself for nothing, I had to go in to work and explain why I was actually 30 minutes early instead of 60 minutes late. :/

alarm clock > rob 2-0 ggz

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So I was bored Saturday night and decided to go watch a movie. Having already seen Last Samurai twice I figured I’d go see something else instead – so I picked Timeline. The premise is simple, a group of archaeologists take a trip to France in the year 1357 and hilarity – along with one of the last known French military victories (did you mean French military defeats?) – ensues. Sound interesting? No. This movie is bad, horribly horribly bad. Whoever thought this would be a good idea should be fired and forever banned from ever making a movie ever again. Under no circumstances should you mix:

A) The white guy from Fast and Furious, 2 not-so-hot looking chicks, a dude with a French accent, 2 dudes with Scottish accents, and the French dude from the Matrix.


B) A mediocre science fiction story from Michael Crichton (seriously, after Andromeda Strain its clear this guy has more talent) that pretty loosely resembles some piece of shit I wrote in seventh grade English for a creative writing assignment.

I want my $7.50 back!

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