Author: Rob

Tinfoil hats

Tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist jackasses. Ok guys, just what the hell is your problem? You think the thought police are everywhere to make sure you aren’t thinking things you shouldn’t? What I want to know is – who the fuck cares about your stupidass bedtime stories?! Seriously.

So let me ask. Did the government install any cameras in your home for any reason other than doing something to make the FBI take notice and get permission from a judge to bug your house? Do you have to go to Two Minutes Hate sessions? Am I communicating to you in Newspeak? Is the entire media funneled into one outlet that’s run by the state?

No, no, no, and no. And you know why? Because the government is not trying to control you. The government is not watching you because you are an insignificant, unimportant, self-centered jackass who doesn’t pose a threat to anyone or anything. They have more important shit to do right now, like keep these idiots like Osama Bin Laden and his gang of dirty nightshirt-wearing motherfuckers – who, unlike you, have actually shown themselves to be a danger to this country – from taking down buildings on American soil just because we aren’t all Muslims.

And while I’m thinking about it, stop bitching about cameras being installed on stoplights. We call the outside world “public” for a reason – because it’s not private, and you are not entitled to privacy there. Having that camera sitting there is no different from having a police officer sitting on the other side of the intersection watching for speeders, drunks, and idiots who run red lights. Except now you get your ticket in a week instead of on the spot, and the cops are free to respond to things that are actually important – unlike you. Get over yourself and you’ll sleep a lot better at night.

What’s funny is that by holding this position I’m labeled by these morons as a citizen who was ‘re-educated’ by the government, or at the very least blinded by all the government’s lies and cover-ups. Guess what – it’s as American to dress up in a Storm Trooper uniform at a Star Wars premiere as it is to laugh at dorks who do that. So while you’re watching over your shoulders for Big Brother, I’m taking a ride in the ROFL Copter. Good luck with your resistance against the machine, asshats.

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Goddamn annoying IE bug

I can’t figure this out. If you use absolute-positioned DIV tags in your website, Internet Explorer 6 will not let you highlight whatever text you want. Instead it just seems to pick a huge section of text and highlights all that for you. The only fix is to throw in some javascript code that doesn’t look like it does anything to solve the problem yet still manages to do so.


Now I know why I’ve been using Firefox exclusively for almost the last year now. If a bug like that made it into the software in a nightly build it’d be stamped out that night. Nobody would stand for shit like that. I’m not some open source zealot or anything, in fact I don’t mind Windows much at all. But seriously. There’s a continual lack of support for standards set down by the W3 Consortium.

And the holes in security are outrageous – don’t believe me? Hop over to and try going some place in their support section … and watch as the website not-so-politely tries to install their shit on your computer without your permission. And if you had ActiveX shit enabled (which Internet Explorer does, by default), you’d have had yourself a brand new mail program. Just for clicking on a link. Internet Explorer is teh suck.

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It’s Alive! Well… Kind Of

Ok, I’ve spent basically every free moment I’ve had today on designing the new layout. Everything’s done with div tags (except for the boxes on the left, which are still tables). The script files themselves turned out being much easier to redo than I thought. Originally I thought I was going to have to do some guesswork in pasting some things here and there, and then clean the code up afterwards – to my surprise it pretty much worked on the first try. All that’s left now is to go through and clean up some minor things and I’ll be set to go.

I should have this in the main directory by Monday… I hope.

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Watch Your Step

BoastMachine has got to be the coolest blogger I’ve tinkered with so far. It’s nice to finally have my hands on something that installs painlessly and is real easy to customize. Things are going to look like a mess around here for a bit as I get the posts from the old layout converted over (believe it or not, I still have a stack of things that I wrote but never posted). The only hitch is that the layout is divided up between about 20 different files so I need to go through file after file after file to find what I’m looking for. Suffice it to say by the time I’m done with all the editing the author of this script isn’t even gonna recognize his own work.

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Update Your Site, Dolt!

Ok, I had this really wierd dream last night. Sanya Thomas of Mythic Entertainment called my house in the middle of the night wanting to know why I quit playing Dark Age Of Camelot 5 months ago. Then I checked the Camelot Herald and found my picture on the main page along with like 3 other people in a list of people who had quit the game.

WTF? Wonder if that’s a sign.

So I checked Megadeth’s web site this morning and noticed they posted tour dates. Looks like the closest they’re coming is St. Louis. It takes almost seven hours to get there but you better believe that’s where I’ll be on November 5th. Rattle your goddamn head!

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